but i havent been leaving the house much lately
however this time next week i ll be a day away from finishing my exams
and after that i promise you more photos will come!
also, hopefully with a bit of luck (and HTML help)
the layout of the blog can be made easier to navigate
i dont have an 'older posts' button and its driving me nuts
so anyway
guess what
Dad is on the plane enroute to Melbourne right NOW!
i m excited, i finally get to see and hug him after so many months
mom's been excited too, she s been cooking/baking all day
and we got fresh flowers for the house.
i wish he would be here for longer (he s only staying a week)
and that it wasnt right smack bang in the middle of my exams
but i m glad he s coming anyway after the H1N1 flu scare.
and not only that, i benefit from mom's crazy cooking
i was just lamenting the fact that i dont seem to be losing weight even though i try to eat less than normal
but now i realise
its cause of MOM.
i m drinking some yummy asian chicken ginseng soup she made
and its 1am.
and i keep biting into pieces of ginger thinking its ginseng
yeeuch i cant stand ginger.

good luck for your papers !!!
im so screwed for mine it isnt funny anymore :(((((
i have soooo much to study i totally underestimated how much i had :( shittyshitshit
:( i have to study, if not i have to leave the house to go to a coffee place, and i don't want to leave the house. i want to stay in my jammies and be warm and toasty. i hate exams :((((( i hate fourth year :((((
did some weirdass number call your mobile btw? hahahaha, i want rove tickets and i put you down cause you had to be an aussie citizen and god knows if they were to ask weirdass questions. okay probably not, as in i don't think they'll call :::::::( that's me with terrible eyebags
haha nice to know we re all suffering together, i feel connected yo! and i know lee isnt v happy either, so we can all complain together
rove didnt call bri!
hmm. i should print some 'i hate exams' t shirts for us all
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