

so many things have happened since i last updated this blog!
but i m sort of up to date now on Project 365

the Japanese exchange students were here from Tsurumi university
Loreal Melbourne fashion festival was on
Lyn was hospitalised
Randall had his 3 birthday celebrations
Soccer pre-season started
and mum had a million tea parties

most recent event was Lina's 21st yesterday at the Willows
what a gorgeous place!

i ve missed catching up with the Lauriston girls

smoked salmon and creme fraiche canapes were so good, i kept sneaking back in for more!

pretty meringues

lemon curds were good too, but the best were definitely the salmon canapes!

was a beautiful few hours, the weather was perfect during the party, though it rained before and after

i should really practice the sax more! he made me feel so guilty everytime i looked at him


wore my new shiny black Anna Sui eyeliner, discovered it at the bottom of my handcarry i brought to singapore (score!) and the Clinique mascara Jason gave me. was too lazy to curl the lashes though.

i dont get how anyone can look at this picture and not see my need for a nose job.
lee, you see it right? my nose is a 4/10. i need it to be at least a 7.5. it has a 80 deg angle to the plane of my face, i need it to be at least 65!

please ignore blemishes, i m breaking out.

p.s i was looking at this picture from Randall's 21st, and found their evil faces hilarious. fail!


louis koo

Louis Koo used to be

a Gangster!

'before he was famous, Hong Kong actor Louis Koo was a bona fide, womanizing triad member who frequented bars almost every other night - you know, typical Hong Kong gangster movie stuff. In fact, Louis, who did not have a proper education, spent almost 2 years in jail for robbery. '

be still my beating heart.
he just became a million times hotter.
i want!

okay i thought i was over this phase as when bri and i were watching backstreet boys videos over the weekend
i reallised i actually love kevin and not aj
i congratulated myself on moving on from bad boys
and finally noticing the chiselled quiet mature serious type
(he even plays the piano!)

he is smoking in Larger than Life

but yes, back to my point
clearly i havent, because
Louis Koo is like, whoa now.

man, he can cut off his arm, wait 16 years, and master yue nu jian fa with me anyday.

and as an aside
i love japanese exchange students.
honto. sugoi. taiski.

(really. awesome. i love.)

i miss japan, i want to move there. like, now.



my first official foray into fashion photography

click here

and here s a couple more i didnt send in

stay tuned for more fashion week snaps!

cant wait till the cold weather finally hits.
i love winter fashion

i just bought a yellow coat, a ridiculous puffy put-on-10-pounds sort of down coat
but i love it
yellow doesnt work with my asian skin tone
but i m determined to pull it off!

photos soon!

1st soccer match on saturday
playing in the first division team, and i m excited!

i m not good at all, but its promising to be an awesome day


thank you all for the deluge of emails/sms/calls
i feel much better!
its a bit embarrassing being emo and all over the place
but its really cathartic blogging about it

dont worry,
the icky problem has gone to the land where all good little issues end up
the land of denial

and it will stay there till i cant ignore it anymore
which right now, doesnt seem that improbable.

its getting a bit tricky to simultaneously upload both on project 365 and on here
so unfortunately the updates on this one is lagging a little bit.

but here's some photos anyway!

awesome night view from Ron's

hotpot at home! SUPER YUM. i crave.

love camp, always have and always will. its a blast!
toga party

toyota style photos

flour fight. utterly spontaneous

evil trampoline

ropes course. navigation is hilarious, and i of course, failed miserably with my non exsistent sense of balance

on a side note, i just discovered this photo, and

i LOVE trace, jaypee and syhizzle.

can you blame me? cutttteeeeee!

spending time with them is effortless.


i wonder if its a singaporean thing to be so disgustingly neurotic
maybe its our lifestyle/environment/singaporean air
at least i know i m not the only one

but i am so sick of trying to be practical or sensible
not that its even particularly successful

i just want to spend all day in bed
and have someone come save me from self destructing

i m tired of dealing with this all by myself
all of this independent new age woman crap
i just want to close my eyes

i hate that i am so stupid
its like i never remember lessons learnt. should just get it tattooed

when will i finally start living the life i want

friends are transient, true contentment is a myth

hollywood has a lot to answer for if you ask me.

i should just up and move and disappear, and let melbourne become like the singapore i left behind

perhaps only by looking through my camera lenses am i able to differentiate reality from fantasy and remember through photos