but i m sort of up to date now on Project 365
the Japanese exchange students were here from Tsurumi university
Loreal Melbourne fashion festival was on
Lyn was hospitalised
Randall had his 3 birthday celebrations
Soccer pre-season started
and mum had a million tea parties
most recent event was Lina's 21st yesterday at the Willows
what a gorgeous place!
i ve missed catching up with the Lauriston girls
smoked salmon and creme fraiche canapes were so good, i kept sneaking back in for more!
was a beautiful few hours, the weather was perfect during the party, though it rained before and after
i should really practice the sax more! he made me feel so guilty everytime i looked at him
i dont get how anyone can look at this picture and not see my need for a nose job.
lee, you see it right? my nose is a 4/10. i need it to be at least a 7.5. it has a 80 deg angle to the plane of my face, i need it to be at least 65!
please ignore blemishes, i m breaking out.
p.s i was looking at this picture from Randall's 21st, and found their evil faces hilarious. fail!
oooh i love the photos, afternoon tea and flouncy garden party dresses. why aren't you wearing a dress though?
ah phoon your nose is not in the least tragic so its def more than a 4 haha. anw nothing a few fillers wont cure! nose jobs are not cool i tell you.
haha your intervention came late. i've moved on! i was going to write a post at the end saying that since he isn't a popstar or anything its not appropriate for me to go all 'omg i love his nipples!!!' etc etc etc. but anyway i couldn't be bothered to because i was just over it.
anw phoon, do you still have relations in seattle? take me along when you next go for a visit! haha
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