
thank you all for the deluge of emails/sms/calls
i feel much better!
its a bit embarrassing being emo and all over the place
but its really cathartic blogging about it

dont worry,
the icky problem has gone to the land where all good little issues end up
the land of denial

and it will stay there till i cant ignore it anymore
which right now, doesnt seem that improbable.

its getting a bit tricky to simultaneously upload both on project 365 and on here
so unfortunately the updates on this one is lagging a little bit.

but here's some photos anyway!

awesome night view from Ron's

hotpot at home! SUPER YUM. i crave.

love camp, always have and always will. its a blast!
toga party

toyota style photos

flour fight. utterly spontaneous

evil trampoline

ropes course. navigation is hilarious, and i of course, failed miserably with my non exsistent sense of balance

on a side note, i just discovered this photo, and

i LOVE trace, jaypee and syhizzle.

can you blame me? cutttteeeeee!

spending time with them is effortless.


Anonymous said...

omg i miss your house and your bed. and the countless of times i was comfortably snuggled under your 32585 pillows trying to pretend i was awake when you were marching around in ridiculous outfits ......... and dare i say it, i miss your mother's fish pie :( i was just telling v the other day that it feels funny (okay i miss it) not having to deal with the occasional shit that gets thrown at you and that inevitably manages to rub off on me which always ends off with both of us absolutely miserable and plotting; and about the week of fat fun we had when your parents were away (all inclusive of the fateful day the tarantula crawled onto me and almost took my life away). :( i actually miss melb!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh wow that was long.

please excuse me, its 3.36am my side, emo moments.

jc p said...

omg ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew that photo of me asleep is GROSS.