i usually dont like online shopping that much
thats more of Clare's forte.
i m more of an instant gratification kind of girl
i like the unbearable agony of having to choose at the store
the blood sugar rush of handing over my card/cash
watching the sales assistant wrap up my purchase
and then carrying the crisp new paper bags home
actually they dont stay crisp for that long, cause sometimes i have to resort to extraordinary lengths to smuggle them up to my room so no one judges
this could involve me hiding the bags in my car boot and sneaking down at 3 am when everyone is sleeping to get them, or hiding all the house phones in the basement, ringing it from my mobile then running up to my room and hiding everything under the bed while mom hunts for the phones. perfectly executed like i m in a SWAT team! but thats another topic for another time.
back to me not being into online shopping
somehow, that all reverses itself in exam time
maybe its the stress plus not leaving the house much
i spend hours online, on long distance calls to Clare
each of us searching up things on our to-buy list before emailing each other the images
our conversation is like a new sort of tribal language
'ooh must have that.. did you see... omg omg'
'ahh i like.. but... hmm'
it doesnt make sense
(X overheard and was like -_-' the entire time)
but somehow it works because we both know exactly what we mean
i have new things on my to-buy list
this bag cause i need a new school bag

a silk collar from somewhere (but where?! i m still searching)

LV tights, i thought they were hideously tacky at first but have they have now grown on me

House of Harlow jewellery
because i need a cuff and that fat-black-with-a-gold-dot-thing one is perfect
wyn can park her motorbike ANYWHERE. like, on a sidewalk. NO FEES.
did i mention i love Cultstatus
i want the Balenciaga Pom Pom (half the reason why is because of the name
what bag are you carrying? the POM POM haahahahaha)
and Yves Saint Laurent Arty cuff and ring
exam time is never good for my mental well being
and that of my pocket
half of this to-buy list is pure exorbitant fantasy
i lose the plot a little bit sometimes
i m in a brilliant mood
1.pharmacology exam is over, thank god
2.roland garros might be over but wimbledon is here soon

3. i had din at Happy Cook
4. i found a pic on facebook where i m in flats and my legs actually look longish

5. Emma Watson is so gorgeous in these ads i have fallen in love all over again with Burberry and Harry Potter

6. cue Roadarte dress which i dont care what anyone else says, i think is amazing

7. Posh is carrying my bag and if a woman who has $2.8 million worth of Hermes bags alone is carrying my bag, i feel like i ve made a good choice. cause obviously if she buys that many bags she has good taste right? lets collectively ignore her WAG phase.

8. reading fmylife always makes me feel better by comparison
oh and dad arrives in 5 days!
not so happy
1.i have more exams
2.Shopbop wont ship this pair of heart-stopping Balmains over. no seriously i was all ready to get them, credit card in hand, and i was thinking, stuff budgeting cause only boring accountant-type people make spreadsheets and if i dont have these my wardrobe wont go with anything else and then i can never wear clothes again because i ll forever be dreaming of these shoes and they even have it in my size and dad wont mind cause i havent bought shoes in ages, plus he ll want me to wear clothes, then i realised, i had to choose the one thing on Shopbop that cant be delivered outside the US.

3. this sort of Ruebenesque figure isnt considered hot anymore. do you know how much i hate dieting.

damn you kate moss for stupid heroin chic. its not even LEGAL.
4. i dont see the hype about RPat and if i read more more thing about how 'lustworthy' the overexposed manky bugger is, i will hurl i swear.

5. Over dinner my friends kept talking about Left 4 Dead.
i am woefully reminded of my terrible gaming skills especially L4D
and feel the sudden urge to Counterstike.
i miss CS
6. Nobody is coming to Melbourne in July anymore. stupid flu.
no Clare no Lee no Vince :(
but somehow despite the above 6, i am in a very good mood.
a very loquacious mood as well.
dont know why, maybe its the coffee
okay now who s going to Japan soon
i want green tea cola and basil pepsi please!
sounds interesting doesnt it?

i ve always wished i had a different persona on my blog
where i let my flightier, more materialistic side come out
so you know, i m more mature and serious when you meet me in real life
less valley girl more michelle obama
but apparently
i sound exactly like this when i talk
i cant decide
should i really blow $$ on the LV tights which i cant wear after it becomes passe?
should i get a BB and be prepared to pay it off myself for 2 years?
should i get my motorbike license/motorbike or is that hopelessly unfeminine?
should i care?
should i start studying?
a) yes yes yes no yes
b) no no no yes yes
c) yes no no no yes
d) yes yes no no no
e) no yes no yes yes
the agony!!!
haha okay i ve procrastinated enough
hahahahaha wtf is that silk collar!?!?!
it looks like a head exploding from a pussy.
nooo pls phoon NO!!
and yes please study so you can come back and not be plagued with subs !!!
supps i mean.
sianz. i want my black bag. KEEP IT OK.
one day you will understand why it is necessary to have one of those bags. :(
HAHA oh dear i cant look at the collar the same way anymore. but i want one! maybe not so boof. but yes. A SILK COLLAR.
i cant help it, sexy bags dont make my heartzzz beat faster, leaves me cold. heels on the other hand..
if i can go back to sg, will your dad let you hang out with me? what if i potentially bring the frigging thing back with me?!
no serious, what if i go back and every kiasu singaporean keeps away? no fun.
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