after so many crazy car crashes and other assorted catastrophes,
it was nice to relax and just let go for a while
dont judge me! haha
girls just want to have fun no?
but oooh boy my feet are paying for it
it hurts to flex, toes and all
well, the party essentially started on Thursday
had the Dental pub crawl from 2.00pm after uni
and this year's first years are awesome!
we then left for the Pharmacy cruise at Docklands
Leigh was DJ-ing that night

i love my friends, i do i do

i wore a dress from British India, which my aunt bought for me years and years ago and i recently dug out from storage
the white cardi was from Hong Kong, which is the most comfortable thing ever, but unfortunately is unravelling at the seams because i keep on wearing it.
the pendant is a Dior Ja'dore miniature
how handy right? instant perfume touchup!
friday was Dauntie's party
love catching up with my Lauriston girls!
its such a different dynamic, very refreshing.
her place on Brunswick street is so cool
its like a converted warehouse or something
Sat was Dentolympics and then a foam party at Amber Lounge
went for lunch with Syahir after crashing at their place the night before
i ve said it before and i ll say it again
Nasi-lemak house on Lygon is pure unadulterated <3
Dentolympics is like prosh week
just no nudity, haha
think three legged races, boat races with milk and soy sauce,
errant refrees, barbeques and evil evil dodgeball
(i cant catch to save my life)
played some drinking games at Norton's after leaving Princes Park
then went to Amber for the foamy goodness
if there's one event i love from the bottom of my heart
its a good foam party
though the SSS's one at Queensbridge hotel is much better
its like when you were a kid and you played in the bubble bath with your friends
but much much sexier
funny story
after Sam dropped me home (TY!!!)
i realised i had no way in
usually Dad would leave the back door open for me
but Mom locks the house up now
so i had no house keys, no phone
she couldnt hear the door bell
plus i was still tipsy
(few too many 151 and sambuca shots. FYI, 151 is only $10 at Amber (!!!))
so i ended up sleeping in the garage on a deck chair
spent today shopping and lunching with Mom.
who incidentally was not happy i was home so late
but was so amused at seeing me sleeping in the garage
'like a stray raccoon' (because of smudgy eyeliner)
she couldnt stay mad
how many weekend benders can there be like that in my life?
i mean, i havent been sober since thursday afternoon
it was great fun while it lasted
not i have to rest and pray my brain cells will spontaneously undergo mitosis and regrow those who have died this weekend
RIP guys, RIP.
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