just read Confessions of a Shopaholic
like, today i bought 4 books and a DVD at borders
because they were having and 'buy 2 books and get the third one free' offer
its like they re giving away free books!!!
you might argue that i didnt have to pick up the 4th book and DVD
but you know me, i love my crime thrillers
i just couldnt leave j deaver's new book behind
plus, it works out cause i wont buy Vogue this month
thank god rebecca goes to such extremes though
i m not anywhere near as bad.
she makes my own minor mishaps seem, well, minor
but she does end up getting the rich hot mogul in the end. (typical)
was lucky enough to be a photographer for GPO's Fashion Collection show on tues
Heaps of brands put on shows:
Belinda, David Lawrence, Karen Millen, Hussy, Zimmermann, Leona Edminston, Lisa Ho, Lella Smith, Arthur Galan, Wanye Cooper, Gorman, Max n Co, Rhodes and Beckett, Rodd n Gunn, Ben Sherman, Brides of Melbourne, Jigsaw, Nicolangela, Digbys
dont mean to be a little whinger
but that equated into a 50 minute runway show, arms were sore as anything after.
though, totally worth it when Mr Clark Kent-esque Male Model made electrifying eye contact
i took over 200 hundred photos, these are just a few of my favourites.
i want a feathered shrug!
i dont know how the socialites do it
attending parties every night
no wonder XXXX has haggard face. hee
the gruelling schedule is v tiring
i fell asleep at the train station like some hobo today
but i do love the rush
(and dom)
i love my bubbly.
at least i can always say i ve made full use of my uni days!
no spare minute yes?
k i have high tea on high street tomorrow (catchy)
and a photoshoot on sunday
going to pray my SK2 eye masks work their magic and get rid of my panda eyes
p.s bought the new Neutrogena vibrating facial cleasner
it looks kinky
but as far as gimmicks go
i swear my skin feels softer
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