though the edible cherry blossoms sound amazing
i think i ve uncovered the best panna cotta in Melbourne
i massively massively heart Comme
went to Comme Kitchen today (4.7/5!)
and although service was duper slow
(the sourdough didnt come till 20 minutes after we asked for it)
the atmosphere and the food was superb
one of the top few wine lists i ve seen as well
our barossa valley moscato was palatable but not too overpowering
we just sat there for hours and hours
eating, drinking and chatting
thats the kind of place it was
btw, the menu here changes very frequently, so be sure to ring up and ask if they have your favourites on! i forgot the actual listings on the menu, so this will have to do
how pretty is the place?!
if i ever have a spare $10,000 or so, this is where i want to have a function
although i doubt that is going to happen anytime soon, i just placed myself on the waitlist for an alligator Hermes Birkin
and apparently a new batch of workmen are coming through so the production is going to speed up
i should get my hot little hands on one in about 5 years or so
fingers crossed!
and this bag will be totally worth it, cause it ll be the last bag i buy FOREVER
omg it ll be like a PatekP
you never actually own a birkin, you merely look after it for the next generation
put that way,
it becomes an investment buy
dad should really hire me as a financial planner, i make good sense
throwing a dinner party on saturday for 4
mom s not here so i m going to do everything myself :)
using the Harrod's Book of Entertainment as my bible
i might have set the standards a bit high here, author Lady Macdonald was the immaculate hostess
tis very exciting though, its just like the teaparties you had as a kid
it ll either be a disaster or come off really well
i guess we ll see!
UPDATE: haha, i told my dad about my plans for the week and about the dinner party
and he thinks i need a 'real' hobby
what, like stamp collecting will be more productive!