
Okay, so not discharging from hospital tonight.
My loss is your gain!
Blogging to pass the time, before the 8.30pm Titanic 100th anniversary special TV show.
Still love the Titanic saga, even after all these years.

To convince all of you that I am, in fact, a responsible member of society
and that I do other things besides eat and shop, behold! Evidence.

I got my diploma from university. 
I made it to my Dental graduation night..
I serve the country.
I operate. How much does this photo make me look professional? :p Well except for the cheesy grin lol.

I can cook. I made this chilli crab dish. Yes really!
And I treat my BFFs with lots of love!
 So now that I have convinced you..
I feel no guilt in showing you a purchase of mine.
I bought these Nicholas Kirkwood shoes sometime ago from Scanlan and Theodore
but haven't had the chance to wear them out.

And I don't know what to wear it with!

Just between you and me, its rather uncomfortable too.
But so pretty.
Lee, when I am back in Singapore, lets have an occasion so I can wear these babies!

Alright, I am getting sleepy as my sleeping pills are starting to work. I will leave you with a random bit of Snape love, arguably the sexiest Harry Potter character after the whole Snape-Lily-James triangle. 

Feast your eyes. 


Anonymous said...


b said...

I love this post. So cute. Oh and I love that snape quote as well.