just bit into an apple and when i took it out it was bloody
okay random but ick.
dunno why but i ve been having nosebleeds daily for the past few weeks
and its driving me crazy
you would think that with so much blood loss i would at least lose some weight yes?
but noooooo
instead i have to change bed sheets like crazy while stupid body makes more stupid blood
swear my nose is getting flattened from me constantly holding a tissue against it
it just occured me tonight when i was making shin ramen for supper
(was told about it ages ago by an aunt but it just clicked)
that not only has the date of when i can access my trust fund been pushed back to when i am 45 instead of 30
-i would be offended that my parents obviously dont trust me but it IS their money
(you know how on american tv they come in it when they are 21, LIES!
okay so L has already come into it, but she s exception okay)-
that there are conditions including
a) acceptable marriage with approved partner
b) finishing my university degree
funny story though
this guy for whom mum set up an xiang qin arranged engagement with me
is apparently a closet drug addict who recently was busted
!!! haha
but she remains undeterred
she s said that when i have my coming of age at the club she s going to
' get all the boy boys to come'
thankfully, she hasnt mentioned it since
her type of boy boys that she s introducing to me are all so BORING.
except for drug addict, but even i have to agree he was probably unsuitable
he still takes allowance
and he s been working at a uber high paying job for 4 years!
i just want to stay in melbourne and lead my simple student life
with my normal feet-on-ground friends
(not that you sg people dont have your feet on the ground, but when we get together it somehow becomes okay to consider $1000 stockings. its not, they will RIP and shred then my $$ will go down the drainnnnn)
dont think i can get used to singapore society anymore
too stifling, dynamic is too different
and even dad notices that when i m back my worst traits come to fore
(which is saying a lot since he s super blur)
oh except for the fact that i like hawker centre food (so sue me), Changi airport, easily accessible Balenciaga and cheap taxi rides
wow its amazing the insights a cup of instant noodles can give
dunno why i m feeling so broke lately
my allowance should be sufficient shouldnt it?
if i budget properly i get about $50 a day
so i cant spend extravagantly
but i dont usually anyway
and $50 should be enough for lunch and petrol etc
but i just looked into my wallet
and despite having an advance of $100 this morning
i only have $25 left
not even enough for train fare!
omg. and i didnt even BUY anything
no seriously.
plus i have zero savings
but i have an excuse for that, my dad told me
i dont have to save $ cause he s got me covered
its sufficient that i dont keep running out and forwarding more
what a contrast to when i was younger, when he was encouraging savings and budgeting etc
okay i feel bad, obviously my dad has had to lower expectations
i need to figure out where all my money goes, and i want to finish the shin ramen
(only meant to eat half cause its late and i must diet)
woo hoo, nvm,
since magic noodles can solve issues, i m going to finish it off
oh yes as promised, my new Loubs
love them muchly,
but a bit confused as to what to wear it with
tried it on with jeans and it didnt go
have a feeling its going to end up in my look-at pile.

but i have 21st coming up, by hook or by crook i m going to wear it at least once.
I HAVE TO. if not i m feel unjustified and guilty. and i eat when i m emotional. not good.

sorry lee i know you like Lindsay, but she s totally butchering Ungaro. the collection fail

Cho cheng s/s 10.
bri, when are we going to ny? i wanna get cho cheng super structured tops. and just the other day i woke up craving Magnolia vanilla cupcakes.
wow my evil tummy just gave a vicous craving squabble
oh man
i think i just figured out where my allowance went
rightttt, the louboutins
damn all shoes, why couldnt i be addicted to collecting say,
pebbles or something
pebbles are free. and pretty.
k i m going to budget old school style
a dollar a day into my Sakuragi piggy bank
oh crap but i just remembered i really really want that new Dior necklace
reallyyyyy want it