Congrats, Tom and Gess!
the whole thing was very sweet
think it must be super satisfying being a wedding photographer
or a wedding planner
which i am determined to be at least once in my lifetime
and have duly informed my friends thus :)
egad, think of the headsets!
dw, i am qualified, have read Emily Post's Complete Guide to Wedding Etiquette
and am knowledgable in certain tactical operations
i.e maneuvering seating plans at dinner parties, which could put U.N strategists to shame
anyway, i digress.

it was a vietnamese wedding in case you were wondering
the bride was gorgeous!
its like my prayers were magically answered, been craving oysters like crazy after Longrain, and voila! there they were in all their slimy glory.
had on a very uninspired outfit, Laura Ashley cardi and dress. guess i dont do florals well! but didnt want to wear black or white in case it was a faux pas, and my wardrobe is unfortunately very monochrome
drawing under my nails now with white nail pencil
supposedly to make it look brighter and healithier
doesnt seem to be working
feeling slightly annoyed at the fact that group 38 is getting taken out by their demonstrator to Jacques Reymond for lunch
of course, a free meal is always good
least of all JR
but what am i going to do for my 21st now?
gee thanks group 38 demo, now i have to come up with a new idea
its like cock block, but not
party block!!!
UPDATE: my skin is looking SHOCKING. whats with these angry red marks? i m not going back to my dermatologist, does anyone know a good one?
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