been packing and packing but somehow i still feel i ve forgotten something
am still undecided if i m daring enough to heck the world(!) and wear my sleeveless clothes thus exposing untoned arms (wahhhhhhhh) or live in a cardigan even though its 75645349 degrees and HUMID
or if i should bring back my Rolex and get it fixed
with the Australian dollar so weak it might be cheaper here after all
and i still dont have my return flight, but fingers crossed the wait list will free up soon, if not i would be stranded on an island like robinson crusoe with no way back
but i m getting excited, lee has convinced me of the wisdom of her ways ;) even the stress of meeting relations and parent's friends has been allayed. momentarily anyway.
and i know there's good food waiting. calling to me. like ursula tempting ariel but in this case instead of me giving up my voice i m giving up my waist. hehe.
and duty free shopping
and SICC. ahh my baby.
speaking of shopping (well not really but in my head it totally linked)
i m fascinated by the australia boxing day shopping tradition
and i find it fun! its not a chore (well at least for the first 2 hours), and the crazy atmosphere is very enticing
stayed over at tracey's and syahir's before leaving at 5+ am
syahir and i didnt sleep so were a bit groggy when we reached Chadstone
David Jones was open at 6 am
Myer and assorted others at 7 am
then the doors open
what a super rush
then it becomes like this (see below) and you just want to stab someone so you can leave the whole darn mall

didnt buy too much because the queues were impossible
Country Road and Guess in particular were shocking
the lines were wiggly
like a freakin curly fry it went round and round and round. urgh
also went for the 24hour shopping event at Chaddy on 23rd and 24th
so i never thought i ll say this, but i m all shopped out.
will upload pictures of my new goodies when i m in Singapore, as they are currently packed nicely in my luggage, which is -miracles of miracles, only 22 kilos.
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