i love my drop crotch pants, but they are officially hard to style.
been googling pictures for the past hour looking for inspiration
at last i own something from A Bathing Ape!
this cult brand from Japan apparently doesnt have a store front, but moves every few weeks
how awesome is that!
hi dear!
i feel absolutely awful that i didnt call you before you left!!! :( i dont know what cloud i must have been living under? but you must. MUST. absolutely must call me as soon as you get back so we can have a huge catch up :P and i cant believe you're shopped out. BAH. lies!!! grab some goodies and keep me updated! have a great NYE :D
hey phoon :)
check ur facebook inbox! i got mail for you :S and please message me your number in singa when you get a chance hey? :) i know you are having a blastic time since you dont even have time to add to your blog! well enjoyyy and ill see you when u get back! :)
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