and saw these little bottles i bought when i was in sydney
and decided to use them

made a bracelet!
each bottle has a secret message in a scroll inside, and silver chain
the brown bottle has rose petals, rock salt, gold flakes and a wood bead
the clear one has lavender, a paper heart and pink sand
the last one has peacock feather and an amethyst
omg i love
even though i bought my dress for the ball already
i was struck by inspiration
and i know exactly what i want to wear!
i hope i can finish making it by next friday

minus the hat though
if you are trying to get through my housephone & not getting through, its probably because my HM is hogging the phone & she has this shiteous habit of not picking up pending calls. which is damn exasperating & RUDE because it's basic courtesy to. !@##$$$@#%$
wa i didnt know nurses were so rude, isnt there law that says they have to kind and polite.?
ooh phoon you know i dreamt of you. hahaha. like just. the dream that woke me up. its like we (4 of us) were meeting for lunch but i was late cos i was stuck in a jam. so then you called me when i was in the car. and you were like where the fuck are you, and i was explaining that i was caught in a jam. and then i was gonna ask you something but then i heard the waitor in the background and YOU STARTED FLIRTING WITH HIM. ok no la. you just ignored me cos you started asking him about this dish and that dish. then i was on the other side of the phone yelling, HALLO HALLO PHOON CAN YOU STOP ORDERING FOOD FOR AWHILE AND ANSWER ME. HALLO???? but then you just ignored me totally. i think cos you wanted to piss me off cos you were pissed off that i was late./ so then i got pissed off and i hung up. and then you got pissed off that i hung up so we basically got very cross with each other and we started another cold war!!!!
ya and then that was like so real and -can-happen-in-real-life that it got me so hot and bothered. and then i woke up hahahaha
but now that i think abt it right/ wth... how is it possible that i am late when you and clare arent?? haha
are you tuitioning again ? ? ?
your phone is offffff
i feel so nakid when you dont call or when you dont update hahaha
that sounded so wrong.
cold war?
its been years since we had one!
and what u mean
clare is the super late one
i m always nice and punctual
shall i remind you of the time when you told clare and i to meet at 5 at that pasir ris chalet place and then you came at 10? hmm?
we even had dinner while waiting for you. and dessert!
oh ya. opps okay i forgot about that time.
totoro is my fat mouse soft toy i just bought! there's a pic of it somewhere in my previous entry.
did you watch slam dunk. i bought a sakuragi moneybank. the no 10 bball player.
did you leave singapore last night
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