its the one with hot models and hairdressers
what do i wear!?
its like they have a freakin' Rachel Zoe each, everyone looks so damn good!
actually the models probably do have a stylist.
but still!
after the redken show, i told myself i m getting my hair done before going to any similar event.
well kevin murphy is tomorrow and my hair stylist doesnt work on tuesdays!
and i cant go to another one cause i m convinced nobody knows my hair like her. they might stuff it up.
i ll just have to DIY
oh god
i dont have enough wrist strength to blowdry, i swear. i cant coordinate twisting and pulling at the same time.
at least i got a trim 2 weeks ago, so my hair isnt all russell brand.
but but. i m excited. :) i love seeing people all dressed up.
i was deciding before if i wanted this blog to be a 'days of my life' kind of diary thing, or more of a style blog. i couldnt decide, so i thought, 'heck, its my blog, i ll do want i want to!' so its going to be a mix of both. they are kind of hard to seperate for me anyway. and i m not going to lock this blog, because i hate it when other people do it! (yes yes i have stalker tendencies sometimes, WHY CANNOT AH?!)
i ll just deal with my own insecurites (gulp what if my mom is reading this?! mom mom i love you) and BLOG ON!
must share list of fav style sites
1. >> she's 16!! and a GODDESS!
2. >>parlez vous francais?
3. >> he s a legend and style staple
4. >> street style all over the world
5. >> razor sharp wit
6. >> a bit singaporean but still good
7. >> love her daily outfits
8. >>kooky
9. >>for the boys
10. >>classic
11. >>create your own outfits! so much fun
12. >>perve and preen
okay i m going to stop here, if not i think i can go on forever. peruse at your own leisure!
on that note, style melbourne has launched!
well its not being offically launched till wednesday, so shhhhh, but its up and running
lounged about at home today clearing out my room
its cathartic.
was planning what to wear tomorrow
kinda got carried away
and started snapping pictures of various outfits
(runways pictures are from
tailored shirt, black satin ribbon, fendi scarf (worn as skirt), gianni versace shoes
the shoes look a bit boring here, but if you see them from the side, the have a great square heel.
was checking out rodarte's spring 09 collection, and suddenly remembered i had a holey sweater of my own kept in storage somewhere! so i went to dig it out, and volia! melbourne-rodarte style baby. ;)

maxi-dress by laura ashley, sweater from god-knows-where, shoes by Rubi
i find it kind of bizarre i like laura ashley so much and own so many pieces. i know i have a bit of anglomania, but i thought i would be more vivienne westwood than laura ashley! ah well. at least florals are still going strong.
dress by Bauhaus, scarf/shrug from George (too bad you cant see the crochet-ty texture and gold sequins in the photo!), booties from Manolo Blahnik, random gold chain
dress from the Camberwell markets (isnt it very sass and bide?!) hotpants from Passions Fashions ,Biba shoes (i love the shape when seen from the side)

fendi spring 09, i love that mr. lagerfield is continuing the whole layered-skirts, sculputed lines look.
shrug by Christopher Ari, skater skirt from Ann Taylor loft, bandage tube (worn as skirt) from Chaos (lol), Chanel chain belt worn as necklace, Biba shoes
i ll take pictures with flash next time, i dont think you can see in much detail, but i m wearing two skirts, one skiiny and one flared a la fall08 chanel. :)
i lovehearthugwillalwaysbedevoted to these shoes i cant get enough of them!
on one last random note
i think i swallowed part of my tongue stud in my sleep last night
i cant find it anywhere
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