
what a bad day

current mood: down

you said you dont want to hurt me
but obviously its not working.
超過了友情,還不到愛情, 到底該不該哭泣?
when it comes to giving hot/cold treatment,
i think you are a master at it.
我很不服氣,也開始懷疑, 眼前的人 是不是同一個真實的你?
i m so tired of putting myself out there
i wish i wasnt so retarded
曖昧讓人受盡委屈, 找不到相愛的證據
何時該前進 何時該放棄
whoever said to 'love like you ve never been hurt' deserves to be shot
its like S all over again

stick a fork in me, i m done.

曖昧讓人變得貪心, 直到等待失去意義
無奈我和你 寫不出結局.


Anonymous said...

i tried calling you when i woke up but your phone was off :(

nevermind don't feel sad!! we'll hang on friday again and have so much fun that you will forgot about the nonsense people!!


lee said...

poor phoonty dont be so sad :(
i dont know which nonsense person you are referring to but they are obviously nonsense and you dont need them you know you know! find another one la you so chio no problem