He was puzzled. 'Then who am I?' he asked, fearing the answer for reasons he knew not. She caught, and held his gaze with a glimmer of a smile just blooming at the corners of her mouth.
'You? You are nothing', she said, feeling his tangible relief.
'You are just my downfall,' her mind whispered. "

I only thought about you several times this weekend
i m getting there.
though god knows, i feel like skipping uni tomorrow
its hard to get past the mortification
and feeling so stupid
and unworthy
i feel like the woman in that chinese story
who always forgot that being burnt hurt
and kept on playing with fire
till one day she melded with the flames
and eventually became ash.
'omg phoon you are so stupid.
no more!
dont you ever learn your lesson!'
i need to escape
and i plan to, tonight.
but in case anyone, (i.e parents) ever comes here
i ll spare you details
use your imagination.

honestly i m so dumb sometimes
but its so much easier being stupid
then facing up to reality
especially when everything feels like
its falling apart at the seams.
i love my friends and my lifestyle so much
but something is still missing
like you said
i m not as strong mentally
i cant appreciate whats good
i m immature
i have to fix it.
but i know this,
when it comes to flight or fight
i m sorry, i fly.
1 comment:
now that i know what's the blue heart i think it's damn fcuking funny
really damn in your face.
i can't believe i didn't get it.
btw where'd you die to? i called you but you didn't pick up.
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