i am suddenly hit with a pang of nostalgia
So many things have happened lately
i scarcely know where to begin.
Maybe with the relatively fluffy ones
Friday night, met up with Nick, had an awesome dinner at Hills,
think peking duck and roast pork, before heading to Tracey's
and finally... a movie. which is a big deal considering the last one i watched was Harry Potter last year.
Nick and I must have been the only people left in the universe who hadnt watched 'Dark Knight'.
But not anymore!
i dont want to give out spoilers
but the ending of Dark Knight ruined the movie for me.
It was so good catching up with you Nick
I ve missed you so much!

peking duck wraps

combination roast duck and pork on rice

'special' calamari

in the cinema!
Had another girls night on Sat
Clare and Bri came over, for the 1st time since Bri left for the US
Mom was so pleased she cooked up a storm
then we went to Bubble to dance the night away
Have to celebrate Clare finishing her assignments and me passing!
wore pants that were a tad too big though
and hoisting them up every 10 secs
is NOT a good look.

haha dad falling asleep watching the olympics

the face-stuffers

chicken rice, cheese pie, takopachi

look at that greedy face

cupcake love!

haha my mom is enraptured by the cupcakes too.
free ad: little cupcakes nears flinders has the best ones!

bri is so eyeing the cupcakes

our brave attempts at practicing shuffling
okay this entry is sounding more and more forced by the minute
i m feeling blue
and attempting to blog-happy isnt working.
brit is flying back to canada in two days
she has decided to take the rest of the term off dentistry
and i m already feeling more upset than i thought i would
i m feeling such a mix of emotions
i dont even know why.
i m angry at you, though i know i have no right
i m scared, cause you might have succeeded so easily
i m upset, cause i dont want to ever lose you
i m worried, cause you might try again
i really do love you, though we havent known each other long
but most of all, i am a little bit jealous.
i wish i was you
cause at least you had the courage to take a stand
i feel like i m only hanging on by a thread as well
i m envious
i wish i could do the same
and escape
omg this is so irresponsible of me
but really yogi
please recover.

this breaks my heart, i m so confused
i dont want to take away anything from you
and make this about me
i just.
want the best for you
whatever that might be.
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