nice to just sit down and catch up with friends after a long hectic week at uni.
feels like i have an impacted gut from all that food
but seriously, Happy Cook has the best duck EVER.
so worth it :)
ripped these pictures off ashley
who with his super pro camera looks like paparazzi
the photos are so clear!
methinks i need a change of camera

love this picture

vanessa looks like rumi no?

was running late so excuse the no make up and pyjama style dressing, lol

duck! you have to ring up and order beforehand. we had the camphor tea smoked duck, peking duck, and jasmine tea duck. between seven people it was plenty, but sooo friggin good we keep going back

the hand made mantou thingys
so how was your cny?
this year of the ox should equal new beginnings for me
and sticking to my new years' resolutions
if nothing at least i should have tenacity
ive managed to lay my hot little hands
on the Nicola Finetti shoes i ve lusted over since i saw his 08 collection
Nicola Finetti reminds me so much of high school
where every second girl was thinking of/buying/wearing a NF dress for the formal
i think his designs have become much better since then
or maybe i ve just changed my tastes

i can so picture wearing these with my new leather pants and a man's white shirt
or a little mod shift dress with white stockings
love the little hole in the heel too, its understated
but still cool
less exciting, but i also picked up these Micheal Kors Jessie flats
for roadtrips and whats left of beach weather!
love cobalt for summer days

i love it when i can goggle my new purchases and find their images
saves me having to take photos of them and then upload
images are from (axecessory) and
phoon go check out nicholas kirkwood. better than louboutin. you will die. his SS09 is ultimate sex
they do look pretty!
devil get behind thee la, temptation only.
one of his designs looks like roti prata though
lee i need to know if we re definitely going london, but i cant get hold of chanty.
mymom just offered me a choice of either going to tokyo on a short exchange with my university, or london
how to decide!
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