so i have goodies on hold till i can go back tomorrow to get it.
the salesperson was so rude, kept staring daggers at me.
spent cash on a really pretty Anthea Crawford full length skirt, will blog about it soon!
my newest epiphany: as much as i like Ed Hardy, i would never wear it as i couldnt pull it off.
i wore my trusty Bardot denim shorts, American Apparel tank, cardigan from United Colours of Benetton, chunky booties that make me look almost 180cm tall and a silver daisy-chain headband i made. very georg jenson no?
Funny story about the Carven bag/briefcase, my dad bought it for me a few days ago after i told him i was going to make over my image to become more androgynous. i was happy and thought, yeah it ll make a nice uni bag whatever, and chucked it somewhere in my room. Then i told mom when she rang and she was like; wow your dad is really nice to you! i was like '??', so i googled the brand, had a mini heart attack, and put it back in the dustbag to place on my shelf.
gulp. well its not really my fault, i dont follow paris fashion much.
but i did check out Berlin fashion week photos, and look!

really like the idea of a horizontal strap on a massive oversized clutch
image from the alena akhmadullinass SS09 show
its so cuddly! like the bag holds you back when you re gripping it
i dont like ed hardy :( the clothes look so skankamonious and trailer trash. and my sister says there's an ed hardy trucker cap frenzy in sgp at the mo so it's good to stay away or you'll be mixing with the commoners.
saying that, saw some ed hardy shoes today and they're quite cute even tho they go against my aesthetic.
i know, but somehow i m very attached to ed hardy images because if that stupid romeo and juliet heart. and now that feral gucci heart collection for above reason. sigh.
trucker cap 0_0 how britney circa 2003.
haha omg lee you live!
i heart hear you
hehe so many typos.
i heart heart you
and because of that stupid rnj heart
ahhhhh you mean the white gucci bags with hearts and flowers where 25% of sale proceeds go to charity right!! i was just telling jos that we should give back to society and buy them!!! the leather ones are obscenely expensive but i have great hopes for the canvas ones hahaha omg i sound so cheapo hurrr
ahhhhh you mean the white gucci bags with hearts and flowers where 25% of sale proceeds go to charity right!! i was just telling jos that we should give back to society and buy them!!! the leather ones are obscenely expensive but i have great hopes for the canvas ones hahaha omg i sound so cheapo hurrr
no lee you cant! its ugly lah. plus does it even go with anything you wear? and its GUCCI. didnt we agree not to get anything from there? hem mud hem. hrm as if you re a cheapo, anyone who knows you knows you re not. like hello miss i can walk into chanel and just pick up a 2.55. grrr. fren-envy lah! poor me studying here studying for exams.
im anon because i dont want to be percescuted for the mud comment.
helloo dear! yesss they so sexyyy XD i got the oliver peoples from eye works on chapel st
btw i found a picture of beyonce wearing something totally similar to those killer black heels of yours (the ones where you can't really stand nor walk in) SEX.
hope you're studying really well :) i heard that you are, GO GET DUX!!!
noooo way!!!
the gucci studded boots are TO DIE FOR.
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