
Just for kicks, here is the chain note that has been circulating around facebook lately.

"Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you."


1. i dislike bread and most cheeses. especially when put together. which makes pizza a nightmare meal and is the reason why i never bring sandwiches to school.

2. unless i m distracted, i go schizo when a stranger brushes against me, especially in the train, and have to brush it off in case there are germs. it pisses people off but if i dont do it, i get major goosebumps.

3. i am allergic to pet hair. especially cats. i get rashes and a constricted throat, and my eyes go all red and puffy and i cant see. think gremlins when they touch water from that horrible 90s movie. BOOM! instant ugly.

4. i love cleaning. and colour coding. and organising. books are arranged by colour, height and then subject matter. when in the supermarket, i can spend ages choosing the most effective bleach for soap scum. DIE SOAP SCUM DIE! i hate germs.

5. i totally think speaking in hyperbole is legit. and an art form. and if people mistake it as you being a drama queen, you should initiate them to this way of life. OMG I M A GENIUS!!!!

6. i can recite Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. and frequently do. which causes uncontrollable drooling, moaning and black-outs in best friends. :D

7. i have a best friend who kept a friggin dead lizard, which we hypothesized was struck by lightning, in a box on top of her TV, AS A PET. the thing was black and dried up, and all i wanted to do was feed it to her cat. (sorry pooch)

8. i went through a body piercing phase when i was younger with some.. interesting results. it was very addictive!

9. i ve been stabbed

10. i have no concept of money. plus i dont like math. so 10,000 and 100,000 look exactly the same to me, which can be unfortunate. hahah. so if i say fifteen thousand, see if i mean fifteen hundred!

11. EVERYTHING in this world can be made spicy before you eat it. and it tastes better for it. FYI, ABC garlic chilli is worth its weight IN GOLD. and there is also no such thing as too spicy.

12. i m a shoe girl, not a bag girl. shoe sales= credit card disasters of epic proportions which cause heart palpitations and hand shakes when taking the visa bill out of the envelope. but all worth it! and i mean it. gotta catch the fever baby.

13. draco malfoy and harry potter were destined for one another. they are like yin and yang. PERFECT.

14. i love BLEACH. and if you think thats a household cleaning product, you are missing out on the best anime and also on LIFE ITSELF.

15. i am very technologically inapt. i cant open word or excel on my computer cause it needs me to install something, and to this day i still think a torrent is something weather related. plus i cant photoshop so i just bribe/wheedle friends to delete bad photos off facebook. but i have been blogging for about 8 years!

16. i collect mighty beans, agatha christie books, and dior trinkets. i m still looking for my zombie mighty bean, which i m sure BRIANNA LAU you took from me.

17. i like acting macho cause its fun, and think i m taller and stronger than i actually am. but make me walk outdoors in the middle of the night on roadtrip, then ditch me and hide in the bushes (why!?) and i m the poor snivelling mess on the floor.

18. horror movies are the best movies to watch! and the thai version of shutter is so good i thought i saw Nick cry when we watched it. HAHAHAHA. opps secret's out!

19. i dont see the need to talk to anyone i dislike. i dont see the point in wasting my time on conversation i wish we didnt have, or on making you feel 'comfortable'. cause we dont do we?

p.s this sounded bitchy, but its not directed at anyone in particular, just in case you re feeling oversensitive tonight. :D

20. we are a pill popping generation. there's meds for everything in the world. xanax, duromine, proxac, ducolax, panadol, tetrodotoxin etc etc; they all work, so if you need it, use it! (yes before all you meddies and dents point out inherent flaws in the logic, i know drug dependence blah blah. but if its prescribed for you, why not use it right?)

21. i cant hold my drink as well as i would like to. funny stories usually surface every few months or so, or when we congregate. but the best story still belongs to chanty, who got tipsy eating a chocoate rum ball at the fullerton chocolate buffet. -_- ONE CHOCOLATE BALL and she was all 'wheeeeee! i m pwetty!'

22. i cant resist biting anything plastic or jelly like and pliable. especially pens, resin blocks. and plastic hangers. and lee's barley.

23. i love eating out. some things, like yummy food, are just worth spending on. like watches and shoes and insurance. some things arent. like textbooks. (why rhoades and pflanzer why!) and $4 coffee which tastes like muddy drain water.

24. i require occasional validation to keep my ego the way it is. just give it to me! flattery will get you somewhere with most people, no matter what they say. roll with it!

25. i cover my head when i sleep. so if you think i m suffocating, its okay, just leave the pillow where it is, i m very comfortable. unless i m turning blue, in which case you should commence CPR.

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