i must first vent my little heart out
i ve had my first car accident
people of Melbourne, when driving down Alexandra Parade
do NOT turn your head to check out the old hotel building on your right
interesting as it may be
you will run into the car in front
and then spend the rest of your night figuring out how insurance works
and how on earth to not involve your well-meaning but extremely long-winded parentals.
not my idea of fun i can assure you.
you cost me a silver bumper, thank you very much.
was Leeyi's birthday on Tues
she turned 19!!
it thaws my frigid heart to see the youngins growing old too
went to Bok Choy Tang at Fed Sq for dinner
and if you ve never been there
dont bother.
unless you really really want chinese food and the Chinatown places wont do.
its like the chef was deprived of salt all his childhood and is now determined to make up for it by putting heaps and heaps of the stuff on the dishes he cooks so his customers wont be deprived like he was. (incidentally, overcompensation is always a bad idea.)
oh, except the soup
which was like chicken flavoured water
the Age Good Food guide has gone down the drain
i mean, as if this place would be featured
they didnt even have live fish

took this picture at Lyn's. i wore a Blue Illusion linen cardigan, Ted Baker jeans, Bally shoes (which were on her shoe rack) and my mom's jade necklace.
so tempted to cut my hair short like in the pic .
can you guess which of the above pics are Wyn's and which are mine?
hint, hers are the good ones.
haha i need a new camera, the fuzziness is appalling.
okay i m going to go dye my hair now
DIY too!
maybe tomorrow i ll have raven blue-black locks like Ruby Rose
then Wu Zhun will come seduce me with his appallingly bad mandarin
swoons a little bit
am i the only one who thinks my sister looks like a man? she's been looking so manly ever since she touched down on australian ground. whats up with that! must be the air. obesity air. careful when you breathe phoon!!!! you might catch it and start looking like a man too.
anw what gain weight lor. you look OK lor. not like me :( cant fit into my grey jeans :( :( :(
oh ya eh eh take down the lee2 link leh!!!!! its supposed to be a secret. SECRET!!!!!
hahas i TRIED to tell you bok choy tang wasnt that great :P
but yeah
LOL sif check out a hotel :)
awesome hair btw, its 'intense plum' :D
i dont want to look ok
who wants to look okay?
i want to look like a man la
at least one or the other
then i can decide to dress andro or femme. why does your sis look like a man? with her hair down she looks v pretty.
lee2 is locked anyway right? haha okay okay i ll wade through the html and find it.
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