and i am feeling this massive surge of pride in clare and mag
hervelvetvase totally rocks my socks!
i would have given anything to be there supporting you guys
especially since its your first big fashion show
but i ll just let my love innudate you all the way from Melbourne.

aww honey. i miss your stupid face.
i need a clare fix.
at the very least i could have gotten you to meet me for dinner :(
as an aside though, how cute is the Chanel babushka bag Lily Allen is carrying?
something must be up, i m seeing more and more shots of her which i like.
isnt she usually a train wreck?

i have come to a brilliant conclusion after tonight's phone call with X
i need balls
i.e courage
if not its driving me nuts, having the question stuck in the back of my throat
like a stubborn hairball
and me tortuously pondering over and over if i should ask
and what the consequences will be.
i mean, our friendship is made of strong stuff
i should be able to ask you where we're going without repercussions. no?
you know what, screw this
i ve decided a long time ago i am going to be cynical and bitter
and neverneverever open myself to the possibility of getting stung again
and this time i m sticking to it
fuzzy feelings are going to be squashed mercilessly
i shall be tin man from wizard of oz with his cold metal heart,
and proud of it,
thank you very much!
miranda priestly shall henceforth be my idol
the devil does wear prada sister!
p.s someone asked me the other day why i dont privitise my blogs
well my policy is that if you can be bothered reading, then you deserve to know the truth. unless you re a relative/parent/future employer. in which case this WHOLE BLOG is fictional.
it can be a bit weird cause i never actually know who is reading, (i just get hits on a counter and thats it), but i just assume no one i know personally does, till i m told otherwise.
for everyone else who reads and dont always leave comments, say hi if you ever see me around. :)
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