whoever said it never rains but pours deserves to be dragged out into a main court yard
scalped and then shot
with a 9 mm so the bullet hole is large enough to hurt
but small enough to cause prolonged bleeding and hence,
a slow tortuous death.
yes indeedy.
feeling extremely sore and grumpy cause
1. i m broke
2. my computer's broke
and 3. my car's broke. (yes i crashed twice in a week)
and this weekend's dental camp is cancelled due to bushfires.
no more glorious weekend escape.
plus i am very attached to my laptop
seeing it cold and lifeless is most disconcerting.
i m blogging from the middle of a removable pros lecture on the uni computer
so my brain is trying to process extreme apathy to dentures
and also the added blow of my most recent car crash.
with a repair bill of $7000
deep breath.
okay maybe when this is over
i ll see a rainbow (after the storm get it get it?)
and find a pot of gold at the end.
man i need a pot of gold
shiny shiny soft malleable 24k gold.
i cant wait for this week to be overrrrrrrrr
kat because i can see you but not speak to you in the middle of our lecture
i m sorry for spending your 20 bucks
i still love you!
i m going to go fake eye contact with the lecturer and look intelligent.
random Cranium fact, fortune cookies were invented in Japan, not China
car accidents and birthdays
okay before i blog about Lee Yi's birthday dinner at Bok Choy Tang
i must first vent my little heart out
i ve had my first car accident
people of Melbourne, when driving down Alexandra Parade
do NOT turn your head to check out the old hotel building on your right
interesting as it may be
you will run into the car in front
and then spend the rest of your night figuring out how insurance works
and how on earth to not involve your well-meaning but extremely long-winded parentals.
not my idea of fun i can assure you.
you cost me a silver bumper, thank you very much.
was Leeyi's birthday on Tues
she turned 19!!
it thaws my frigid heart to see the youngins growing old too
went to Bok Choy Tang at Fed Sq for dinner
and if you ve never been there
dont bother.
unless you really really want chinese food and the Chinatown places wont do.
its like the chef was deprived of salt all his childhood and is now determined to make up for it by putting heaps and heaps of the stuff on the dishes he cooks so his customers wont be deprived like he was. (incidentally, overcompensation is always a bad idea.)
oh, except the soup
which was like chicken flavoured water
the Age Good Food guide has gone down the drain
i mean, as if this place would be featured
they didnt even have live fish
bday girl!
decor was nice though
i did like their wine list though, Wyn ordered something which was really good, though unfortunately i didnt take note of the bottle
aforeemntioned soup

took this picture at Lyn's. i wore a Blue Illusion linen cardigan, Ted Baker jeans, Bally shoes (which were on her shoe rack) and my mom's jade necklace.
so tempted to cut my hair short like in the pic .
can you guess which of the above pics are Wyn's and which are mine?
hint, hers are the good ones.
haha i need a new camera, the fuzziness is appalling.
okay i m going to go dye my hair now
DIY too!
maybe tomorrow i ll have raven blue-black locks like Ruby Rose
then Wu Zhun will come seduce me with his appallingly bad mandarin
swoons a little bit
i must first vent my little heart out
i ve had my first car accident
people of Melbourne, when driving down Alexandra Parade
do NOT turn your head to check out the old hotel building on your right
interesting as it may be
you will run into the car in front
and then spend the rest of your night figuring out how insurance works
and how on earth to not involve your well-meaning but extremely long-winded parentals.
not my idea of fun i can assure you.
you cost me a silver bumper, thank you very much.
was Leeyi's birthday on Tues
she turned 19!!
it thaws my frigid heart to see the youngins growing old too
went to Bok Choy Tang at Fed Sq for dinner
and if you ve never been there
dont bother.
unless you really really want chinese food and the Chinatown places wont do.
its like the chef was deprived of salt all his childhood and is now determined to make up for it by putting heaps and heaps of the stuff on the dishes he cooks so his customers wont be deprived like he was. (incidentally, overcompensation is always a bad idea.)
oh, except the soup
which was like chicken flavoured water
the Age Good Food guide has gone down the drain
i mean, as if this place would be featured
they didnt even have live fish

took this picture at Lyn's. i wore a Blue Illusion linen cardigan, Ted Baker jeans, Bally shoes (which were on her shoe rack) and my mom's jade necklace.
so tempted to cut my hair short like in the pic .
can you guess which of the above pics are Wyn's and which are mine?
hint, hers are the good ones.
haha i need a new camera, the fuzziness is appalling.
okay i m going to go dye my hair now
DIY too!
maybe tomorrow i ll have raven blue-black locks like Ruby Rose
then Wu Zhun will come seduce me with his appallingly bad mandarin
swoons a little bit
i hate being unreliable and irresponsible.
and i dont use the 'hate' lightly.
i have to remember this feeling
so the next time i procrastinate, i ll feel this big kick on my rear end and be spurred on into action.
i also hate being so oversensitive
and that i cant let things go and obsess over it for ages
i mean seriously?
remember the poseur issue?
but maybe its cause i know jokes usually have a grain of truth.
(okay maybe a whole big fat lump of truth)
i mean when you call someone fat
or stupid
arent they usually, even if you dont want to articulate it aloud?
unless its sarcasm of course
or maybe i m just feeling insecure
doesnt stop the hurt though
its like being slapped in the face when you dont expect it
and you have to hide it really really quickly so no one realises
feels a little bit like rejection
feels a little bit like having everyone laugh at you and you dont know why
feels a little bit dumb.
hell maybe i m just PMS-ing
i mean, i can take a joke right?
i dont want to be that girl who takes herself too seriously
(i dont know who reads my blog, but dont overthink things; no, its not you)
and to complete today's cosmic joke upon me
i saw S outside his apartment
with his new gf.
now that was a big kick to the gut
WHY WHY WHY wont he just leave the country
its been 8 years, you think i would have gotten over it
i see him and i wish i didnt exist anymore.
i see him and i remember why i dislike all men past, present and future
i see him and i want to pull all my hair out, adopt 50 cats, and die of an allergic reaction.
urgh. how emo.
so much for having tin man's cold metal heart.
i forgot who said this (becky bloomwood maybe?)
but sometimes you just have to recognise if a day is a total waste of make up.
plus i even used my new dior eyeliner
oh except for taboo and cranium
that was fun
i mean, try playing charades and having R try to act out 'babe magnet'
i would pay good money to have taken a video of it today
and showed xiang
so he could have, as he puts it, 'shaken the gay out'
not that R's gay
he's very straight
and very cute
and single, all you ladies out there.
and i dont use the 'hate' lightly.
i have to remember this feeling
so the next time i procrastinate, i ll feel this big kick on my rear end and be spurred on into action.
i also hate being so oversensitive
and that i cant let things go and obsess over it for ages
i mean seriously?
remember the poseur issue?
but maybe its cause i know jokes usually have a grain of truth.
(okay maybe a whole big fat lump of truth)
i mean when you call someone fat
or stupid
arent they usually, even if you dont want to articulate it aloud?
unless its sarcasm of course
or maybe i m just feeling insecure
doesnt stop the hurt though
its like being slapped in the face when you dont expect it
and you have to hide it really really quickly so no one realises
feels a little bit like rejection
feels a little bit like having everyone laugh at you and you dont know why
feels a little bit dumb.
hell maybe i m just PMS-ing
i mean, i can take a joke right?
i dont want to be that girl who takes herself too seriously
(i dont know who reads my blog, but dont overthink things; no, its not you)
and to complete today's cosmic joke upon me
i saw S outside his apartment
with his new gf.
now that was a big kick to the gut
WHY WHY WHY wont he just leave the country
its been 8 years, you think i would have gotten over it
i see him and i wish i didnt exist anymore.
i see him and i remember why i dislike all men past, present and future
i see him and i want to pull all my hair out, adopt 50 cats, and die of an allergic reaction.
urgh. how emo.
so much for having tin man's cold metal heart.
i forgot who said this (becky bloomwood maybe?)
but sometimes you just have to recognise if a day is a total waste of make up.
plus i even used my new dior eyeliner
oh except for taboo and cranium
that was fun
i mean, try playing charades and having R try to act out 'babe magnet'
i would pay good money to have taken a video of it today
and showed xiang
so he could have, as he puts it, 'shaken the gay out'
not that R's gay
he's very straight
and very cute
and single, all you ladies out there.
was just looking at some pictures of the Bondue Bash at Zouk
and i am feeling this massive surge of pride in clare and mag
hervelvetvase totally rocks my socks!
i would have given anything to be there supporting you guys
especially since its your first big fashion show
but i ll just let my love innudate you all the way from Melbourne.
zexxy runway shot
how professional :)
aww honey. i miss your stupid face.
i need a clare fix.
at the very least i could have gotten you to meet me for dinner :(
as an aside though, how cute is the Chanel babushka bag Lily Allen is carrying?
something must be up, i m seeing more and more shots of her which i like.
isnt she usually a train wreck?

adorable right?
i have come to a brilliant conclusion after tonight's phone call with X
i need balls
i.e courage
if not its driving me nuts, having the question stuck in the back of my throat
like a stubborn hairball
and me tortuously pondering over and over if i should ask
and what the consequences will be.
i mean, our friendship is made of strong stuff
i should be able to ask you where we're going without repercussions. no?
you know what, screw this
i ve decided a long time ago i am going to be cynical and bitter
and neverneverever open myself to the possibility of getting stung again
and this time i m sticking to it
fuzzy feelings are going to be squashed mercilessly
i shall be tin man from wizard of oz with his cold metal heart,
and proud of it,
thank you very much!
miranda priestly shall henceforth be my idol
the devil does wear prada sister!
p.s someone asked me the other day why i dont privitise my blogs
well my policy is that if you can be bothered reading, then you deserve to know the truth. unless you re a relative/parent/future employer. in which case this WHOLE BLOG is fictional.
it can be a bit weird cause i never actually know who is reading, (i just get hits on a counter and thats it), but i just assume no one i know personally does, till i m told otherwise.
for everyone else who reads and dont always leave comments, say hi if you ever see me around. :)
and i am feeling this massive surge of pride in clare and mag
hervelvetvase totally rocks my socks!
i would have given anything to be there supporting you guys
especially since its your first big fashion show
but i ll just let my love innudate you all the way from Melbourne.

aww honey. i miss your stupid face.
i need a clare fix.
at the very least i could have gotten you to meet me for dinner :(
as an aside though, how cute is the Chanel babushka bag Lily Allen is carrying?
something must be up, i m seeing more and more shots of her which i like.
isnt she usually a train wreck?

i have come to a brilliant conclusion after tonight's phone call with X
i need balls
i.e courage
if not its driving me nuts, having the question stuck in the back of my throat
like a stubborn hairball
and me tortuously pondering over and over if i should ask
and what the consequences will be.
i mean, our friendship is made of strong stuff
i should be able to ask you where we're going without repercussions. no?
you know what, screw this
i ve decided a long time ago i am going to be cynical and bitter
and neverneverever open myself to the possibility of getting stung again
and this time i m sticking to it
fuzzy feelings are going to be squashed mercilessly
i shall be tin man from wizard of oz with his cold metal heart,
and proud of it,
thank you very much!
miranda priestly shall henceforth be my idol
the devil does wear prada sister!
p.s someone asked me the other day why i dont privitise my blogs
well my policy is that if you can be bothered reading, then you deserve to know the truth. unless you re a relative/parent/future employer. in which case this WHOLE BLOG is fictional.
it can be a bit weird cause i never actually know who is reading, (i just get hits on a counter and thats it), but i just assume no one i know personally does, till i m told otherwise.
for everyone else who reads and dont always leave comments, say hi if you ever see me around. :)
Just for kicks, here is the chain note that has been circulating around facebook lately.
"Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you."
1. i dislike bread and most cheeses. especially when put together. which makes pizza a nightmare meal and is the reason why i never bring sandwiches to school.
2. unless i m distracted, i go schizo when a stranger brushes against me, especially in the train, and have to brush it off in case there are germs. it pisses people off but if i dont do it, i get major goosebumps.
3. i am allergic to pet hair. especially cats. i get rashes and a constricted throat, and my eyes go all red and puffy and i cant see. think gremlins when they touch water from that horrible 90s movie. BOOM! instant ugly.
4. i love cleaning. and colour coding. and organising. books are arranged by colour, height and then subject matter. when in the supermarket, i can spend ages choosing the most effective bleach for soap scum. DIE SOAP SCUM DIE! i hate germs.
5. i totally think speaking in hyperbole is legit. and an art form. and if people mistake it as you being a drama queen, you should initiate them to this way of life. OMG I M A GENIUS!!!!
6. i can recite Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. and frequently do. which causes uncontrollable drooling, moaning and black-outs in best friends. :D
7. i have a best friend who kept a friggin dead lizard, which we hypothesized was struck by lightning, in a box on top of her TV, AS A PET. the thing was black and dried up, and all i wanted to do was feed it to her cat. (sorry pooch)
8. i went through a body piercing phase when i was younger with some.. interesting results. it was very addictive!
9. i ve been stabbed
10. i have no concept of money. plus i dont like math. so 10,000 and 100,000 look exactly the same to me, which can be unfortunate. hahah. so if i say fifteen thousand, see if i mean fifteen hundred!
11. EVERYTHING in this world can be made spicy before you eat it. and it tastes better for it. FYI, ABC garlic chilli is worth its weight IN GOLD. and there is also no such thing as too spicy.
12. i m a shoe girl, not a bag girl. shoe sales= credit card disasters of epic proportions which cause heart palpitations and hand shakes when taking the visa bill out of the envelope. but all worth it! and i mean it. gotta catch the fever baby.
13. draco malfoy and harry potter were destined for one another. they are like yin and yang. PERFECT.
14. i love BLEACH. and if you think thats a household cleaning product, you are missing out on the best anime and also on LIFE ITSELF.
15. i am very technologically inapt. i cant open word or excel on my computer cause it needs me to install something, and to this day i still think a torrent is something weather related. plus i cant photoshop so i just bribe/wheedle friends to delete bad photos off facebook. but i have been blogging for about 8 years!
16. i collect mighty beans, agatha christie books, and dior trinkets. i m still looking for my zombie mighty bean, which i m sure BRIANNA LAU you took from me.
17. i like acting macho cause its fun, and think i m taller and stronger than i actually am. but make me walk outdoors in the middle of the night on roadtrip, then ditch me and hide in the bushes (why!?) and i m the poor snivelling mess on the floor.
18. horror movies are the best movies to watch! and the thai version of shutter is so good i thought i saw Nick cry when we watched it. HAHAHAHA. opps secret's out!
19. i dont see the need to talk to anyone i dislike. i dont see the point in wasting my time on conversation i wish we didnt have, or on making you feel 'comfortable'. cause we dont do we?
p.s this sounded bitchy, but its not directed at anyone in particular, just in case you re feeling oversensitive tonight. :D
20. we are a pill popping generation. there's meds for everything in the world. xanax, duromine, proxac, ducolax, panadol, tetrodotoxin etc etc; they all work, so if you need it, use it! (yes before all you meddies and dents point out inherent flaws in the logic, i know drug dependence blah blah. but if its prescribed for you, why not use it right?)
21. i cant hold my drink as well as i would like to. funny stories usually surface every few months or so, or when we congregate. but the best story still belongs to chanty, who got tipsy eating a chocoate rum ball at the fullerton chocolate buffet. -_- ONE CHOCOLATE BALL and she was all 'wheeeeee! i m pwetty!'
22. i cant resist biting anything plastic or jelly like and pliable. especially pens, resin blocks. and plastic hangers. and lee's barley.
23. i love eating out. some things, like yummy food, are just worth spending on. like watches and shoes and insurance. some things arent. like textbooks. (why rhoades and pflanzer why!) and $4 coffee which tastes like muddy drain water.
24. i require occasional validation to keep my ego the way it is. just give it to me! flattery will get you somewhere with most people, no matter what they say. roll with it!
25. i cover my head when i sleep. so if you think i m suffocating, its okay, just leave the pillow where it is, i m very comfortable. unless i m turning blue, in which case you should commence CPR.
"Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you."
1. i dislike bread and most cheeses. especially when put together. which makes pizza a nightmare meal and is the reason why i never bring sandwiches to school.
2. unless i m distracted, i go schizo when a stranger brushes against me, especially in the train, and have to brush it off in case there are germs. it pisses people off but if i dont do it, i get major goosebumps.
3. i am allergic to pet hair. especially cats. i get rashes and a constricted throat, and my eyes go all red and puffy and i cant see. think gremlins when they touch water from that horrible 90s movie. BOOM! instant ugly.
4. i love cleaning. and colour coding. and organising. books are arranged by colour, height and then subject matter. when in the supermarket, i can spend ages choosing the most effective bleach for soap scum. DIE SOAP SCUM DIE! i hate germs.
5. i totally think speaking in hyperbole is legit. and an art form. and if people mistake it as you being a drama queen, you should initiate them to this way of life. OMG I M A GENIUS!!!!
6. i can recite Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. and frequently do. which causes uncontrollable drooling, moaning and black-outs in best friends. :D
7. i have a best friend who kept a friggin dead lizard, which we hypothesized was struck by lightning, in a box on top of her TV, AS A PET. the thing was black and dried up, and all i wanted to do was feed it to her cat. (sorry pooch)
8. i went through a body piercing phase when i was younger with some.. interesting results. it was very addictive!
9. i ve been stabbed
10. i have no concept of money. plus i dont like math. so 10,000 and 100,000 look exactly the same to me, which can be unfortunate. hahah. so if i say fifteen thousand, see if i mean fifteen hundred!
11. EVERYTHING in this world can be made spicy before you eat it. and it tastes better for it. FYI, ABC garlic chilli is worth its weight IN GOLD. and there is also no such thing as too spicy.
12. i m a shoe girl, not a bag girl. shoe sales= credit card disasters of epic proportions which cause heart palpitations and hand shakes when taking the visa bill out of the envelope. but all worth it! and i mean it. gotta catch the fever baby.
13. draco malfoy and harry potter were destined for one another. they are like yin and yang. PERFECT.
14. i love BLEACH. and if you think thats a household cleaning product, you are missing out on the best anime and also on LIFE ITSELF.
15. i am very technologically inapt. i cant open word or excel on my computer cause it needs me to install something, and to this day i still think a torrent is something weather related. plus i cant photoshop so i just bribe/wheedle friends to delete bad photos off facebook. but i have been blogging for about 8 years!
16. i collect mighty beans, agatha christie books, and dior trinkets. i m still looking for my zombie mighty bean, which i m sure BRIANNA LAU you took from me.
17. i like acting macho cause its fun, and think i m taller and stronger than i actually am. but make me walk outdoors in the middle of the night on roadtrip, then ditch me and hide in the bushes (why!?) and i m the poor snivelling mess on the floor.
18. horror movies are the best movies to watch! and the thai version of shutter is so good i thought i saw Nick cry when we watched it. HAHAHAHA. opps secret's out!
19. i dont see the need to talk to anyone i dislike. i dont see the point in wasting my time on conversation i wish we didnt have, or on making you feel 'comfortable'. cause we dont do we?
p.s this sounded bitchy, but its not directed at anyone in particular, just in case you re feeling oversensitive tonight. :D
20. we are a pill popping generation. there's meds for everything in the world. xanax, duromine, proxac, ducolax, panadol, tetrodotoxin etc etc; they all work, so if you need it, use it! (yes before all you meddies and dents point out inherent flaws in the logic, i know drug dependence blah blah. but if its prescribed for you, why not use it right?)
21. i cant hold my drink as well as i would like to. funny stories usually surface every few months or so, or when we congregate. but the best story still belongs to chanty, who got tipsy eating a chocoate rum ball at the fullerton chocolate buffet. -_- ONE CHOCOLATE BALL and she was all 'wheeeeee! i m pwetty!'
22. i cant resist biting anything plastic or jelly like and pliable. especially pens, resin blocks. and plastic hangers. and lee's barley.
23. i love eating out. some things, like yummy food, are just worth spending on. like watches and shoes and insurance. some things arent. like textbooks. (why rhoades and pflanzer why!) and $4 coffee which tastes like muddy drain water.
24. i require occasional validation to keep my ego the way it is. just give it to me! flattery will get you somewhere with most people, no matter what they say. roll with it!
25. i cover my head when i sleep. so if you think i m suffocating, its okay, just leave the pillow where it is, i m very comfortable. unless i m turning blue, in which case you should commence CPR.
bb <3
<3 roadtrip
i love roadtrips.
it has become such a big tradition for me,
i know i will look back on them 10, 20 even 30 years from now
and laugh.
i love how you still find out little things about each other
even 3 years on, you still get to be closer and closer
you cant hide much on a trip
flaws and quirks get noticed
and at the end of it, if everyone still likes each other
you know you ve got a keeper.
and of course
the group
the sand
the drinks
the barbeques
and the surf
how much better can summer get, right?
plus we had Jock bring along the cutest puppy EVER

my angst is melting away cause this trip has been so relaxing
uni starts on monday
and i m looking forward to it
feels like a brand new year although i know that was over a month ago
feels like everything around me is constantly changing
but if you go along with the flow and stop fighting it
you re much more comfortable
it has become such a big tradition for me,
i know i will look back on them 10, 20 even 30 years from now
and laugh.
i love how you still find out little things about each other
even 3 years on, you still get to be closer and closer
you cant hide much on a trip
flaws and quirks get noticed
and at the end of it, if everyone still likes each other
you know you ve got a keeper.
and of course
how much better can summer get, right?
plus we had Jock bring along the cutest puppy EVER
my angst is melting away cause this trip has been so relaxing
uni starts on monday
and i m looking forward to it
feels like a brand new year although i know that was over a month ago
feels like everything around me is constantly changing
but if you go along with the flow and stop fighting it
you re much more comfortable
happy birthday ady!
went to his house party last night
which was set up exacty like a nightclub
smoke machine, lights, thumping music, the works
superduper cool stuff.

pretty tired today, so i ll just sit and relax with the TV
watching the Australian Open men's final now
between Nadal and Federer
been sitting here for the past 4 hours
and i m hooked
i cant concentrate on blogging now
(it took me 30 minutes to type this post)
go roger!
went to his house party last night
which was set up exacty like a nightclub
smoke machine, lights, thumping music, the works
superduper cool stuff.
pretty tired today, so i ll just sit and relax with the TV
watching the Australian Open men's final now
between Nadal and Federer
been sitting here for the past 4 hours
and i m hooked
i cant concentrate on blogging now
(it took me 30 minutes to type this post)
go roger!
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