

Hmm so I just checked my blogger homepage and I realised that the last time I blogged was in Feb 2011.
Shock, horror!

Thats practically a century in blogosphere time.
Way too long, and too much has happened for me to do the usual guerilla style blog post to try to catch up.

To be honest I am not sure if I will blog again after this.
I suspect I might, having been blogging for close to 10 years now
I dont think this is a habit that I ll easily break.
But real life gets in the way of updating,
and I am just not motivated enough to stay committed for long.

What drives me though, is how much I like looking back on my previous posts
Remembering events I attended, what I felt at the time, realising how my writing has evolved and yes, even feeling a little embarrassed at how much of a prat I was.
And reading comments from my friends.

So maybe I should make more of an effort..
No photos today as I am blogging from an university computer waiting for clinics to start, though there are several I want to share.

Seem to be at point in life where everything is perfect and I am feeling really lucky
so I really should blog and savour it!

k a chocolate-run calls, I cant resist. :p


bri said...

I would love updates to read about. :)) especially if they are good.

P.s. I miss you.

lee said...

I agree with bri, please update. I don't even know if you will see this now.