and lee isnt replying my texts either so i ve resorted to blogging in the middle of the night
long story short, i had an epiphany.
a my-name-is-earl moment
where i realise why some things arent working out and why i cant move forward
its cause karma has come and bit me on the behind
oh yes.
i was a bad kid, so i have to sit and accept my punishment to build karma points till i break even.
sorta like recharging my life bar on streetfighter!
i hate exams
i wish i was one of those people who studied consistently
and had a great memory so they could just read something once and remember it
but noo
look, even failing that, i would have been able to accept the slow absorption of material
but i need something, some redeeming feature. like, superhuman dedication.
i want to CARE
granted, i do care a lot more this year
but at this point, at 4 30am in the morning 2 days away from my exam i dont give a hoot.
what with being self obsessed and a busy bee
i need to cram, starting tomorrow. PRONTO.
i ve cleaned my room pretty thoroughly though
and gave bags and bags away to the Deafness Foundation
its less cluttered now, though i was honestly shocked at the amount of sheer stuff
so with that in mind, i have a new resolution. i ve given up on ready to wear.
from now on, i m getting all my clothes tailored.
no more ill fitting garments!
i have also compiled a planned list of
things i m going to buy with my next allowance
not going to deviate and buy more crap.
for this month, if it isnt on my list, i m not buying it!
(not including dining out)
1. macro lens for camera
2. telephoto lens for camera (okay i m cheating with these, i know dad already bought them heheh)
3. horse riding gear
4. gym pass
5. train ticket
6. memento from Canberra ( how can i resist a little souvenior)
7. Green tea air diffuser (so awesome, my scent of the fortnight)
8. some crystals to bling my ipad (yes i know its a horrible,horrible disease)
9. over the knee boots/wellingtons
10. Box of Lindt macaroons which i m desperately craving for at the moment
of course, New Zealand doesnt count cause its a holiday.
this resolution doesnt seem the greatest
i just realised i finish exams on the 9th
flying to canberra on the 14th
then will be in New Zealand from when i m back.
i wont actually have time to break it and go shopping.
on the bright side?
i guess there's no way i wont keep to it now
i wonder why people are so against plastic surgery
is it denial?
wow the random thoughts just keep coming
it just occurred me that according to Assimov's Laws of Robotics
i cant possibly be one.
there goes my chance of being Helen O'Loy
here's a good example of pictorial representation

my life in Singapore. Air conditioned, glitzy, click of heels on shiny tiles
in Melbourne: warm, colorful, hidden nooks and crannies
love them both. how to choose??
okay i m going to try to sleep, i doubt i m making sense any longer.
will figure things out later, what will be, will be!
how was i not replying to your texts?! we had all that indepth discussion about karma etc! omg phoon im overloading on coffee to lose weight and now im feeling ill i hate coffee so much :(
i hope karma is not the fault of all the ill in your life phoon. you've done many many many bad things many years ago! haha. okay not that many. (:
are both of you suffering from bad karma!! i've never really pondered on that before!
anyways, what are we going to do tomorrow? i think tattoo might be for another day. okay sorry, i just haven't moved my arse to find out info :(( shall we walk melb central? there were tons of sale signs all over the place.
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