

sorry for the lack of recent updates but its been a hectic few weeks!
but at least my twitter feed has been moving along
have some photos here to share, but because i have a perio seminar to start,
how about i give you the keywords and you create a little story in your head?
call it an exercise in creative thinking if you will
(or an excuse for my laziness, but we ll let that slide)

Candice's 21st, Mirrors at Brunswick, Jason's speech, 'pole' dancing, last train home, San churros at midnight

Trisha's 21st in Geelong, road trip, Footscray donuts, Lindt macaroons, swinging off clothes lines, vodka fizzies and cigars, loaded shisha offers ;)

Greedy Kevin, Lindt cafe on Collins St, sneaky iphone hijacking to update his facebook status, chocolate overdose to the point of nausea, lava cake and St Moritz heaven, trying to sneak away a piece of nut slab but ultimately forgetting to slip it away

Gay clubbing at Peel, entry refusal at IQ, icky sicky vomitting, Kylie and old school Britney songs, pre drinks of goon juice and Midori, sore new piercing, making the Robot dance cool again

Anna, Reina and Max's birthdays, boat cruise on Yarra river, creepy stalker, new Ungaro blazer stained with vodka sunrise (!!!), Riverside song, sparkling wine hangover the next morning in clinic with no show patient, thankgod. novel hangover cure- brekkie at Nasi Lemak house with extra spicy chilli.

Happy Cook duck dinner, Nunawading, peking ducks, camphor tea smoked duck, crispy aromatic duck, DROOL, happy tummy.

Dentair cocktail ball at BLVD, $12,000 bar tab, dressing up as cabin crew, watching scandals take place left right and centre, staying till club close, vodka shots with vodka-lemonlimebitters-double in a tall glass please-chasers, vodka shots again, last minute Jaegerbombs, lost hats and sticky fingers.
was on the organising committee for this, and had a mad fun time. :D

went to Queen Victoria market the next day with Bri and Nic to grocery shop
saw these in a pet shop and was like an Eureka moment

why didnt i think of it before, PET BIRDS!
cute as a button and less allergy triggering than the dog/cats
not as boring as fish, and did i mention, cute?


made beef pho that night, which is a vietnamese rice noodle in broth dish. even pickled some onions, which i m not sure if the viets do for this, but i love anyway. the dish was so yummy, and incredibly easy to make!

tried making pad thai at Bri's place again last night, but that failed.
is making good pad thai at home even possible?
collectively, this is our 4th failure. whats the secret, tamarind sauce?

Nic is an incredible baker. had green tea mini cupcakes and souffle for dessert/snack. She's Le Cordon Bleu trained! hahahaha.
there was also apple pastry, but that was eaten before i remembered my camera.

oh, and i made a 'new things to love' list over dessert

new drink of the moment: vitamin water and vodka
new food: PAD THAI
new TV show: rewatching Friends
new crush: Joey Tribbiani
new restaurant: the Italian 101 Collins St
new hobby: tying cherry stalks into knots with my tongue (thanks kk!)
new clothes obsession: panel cutouts, clean Ungaro blazer, stone coloured anything
new events: Sleep Couture runway, Jason's Lady Gaga themed 21st, Melbourne Spring fashion week

had lots of fun/stress casting the models last week, but finally it looks as if our runway show will be great!

Mom flies back in 4 days.
4 days of freedom left!
joy is tempered by relief though,
finally FINALLY there will be some clean clothes and major groceries done.
and someone to baby my rapidly fading, squeaky, phlegmy voice.
wooo hoo!

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