

Going to test out this mobile blogging function and see how well it works. Sitting on the train, which is absolutely crowded with the footy crowd, after spending a day shopping with mom. Yes. I know. My mom is on the train, and aside from a few air head moments when trying to buy transport tickets and wondering which tram to get on, I think we did well. Happy with my purchases today, but think my wardrobe might need a massive clean out soon. Any volunteers to help? Feel so unsexy lately. Swear I ve gained weight, and the pseudomonas folliculitis (okay, FERAL skin rash) is angry, red, swollen and painful to touch. Oh woe. Thank god for small mercies, its winter so I can cover it up till it heals. Everyone, beware hot tubs!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on 3

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