at 3 Degraves St (practically next to Little Cupcakes).
Its called Edo Sushi, and its definitely worth a visit!
the ingredients are really high quality and fresh.
the raw tuna roll is my favourite, and the hot lunches are pretty yummy as well. (the gyu don beef rice bowl is shown below)
plus they re available for takeaway!

congrats on the new store opening love! :)

i wore an oversized leather and cotton zip dress from Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, emerald leggings and patent Ferragamo pumps that night
i dont even know how to pronounce the dress's brand name, so i pray i m never asked
but its available at Seven New York.
they ship to Australia, and no sales tax!
Went over to Leighton's place after sushi visit for a horror movie night
even though i do get scared silly, i love the adrenaline rush!
Shutter (the thai version) wasnt as freaky as i thought it would be
but i liked the storyline, and frankly, i ve seen much much worse
pretty sure i heard i few guys yelp during the movie, hehe

that said, i ve been freaking myself out at night by imagining silly things
i hesitate a little bit before looking in the rearview mirror, and have put my Polaroid camera away for a while.
doesnt help that Mom will be away for the next month. ulp.
hmm, i wonder what the scariest movie in the world is
i really want to watch it.
Something like the Exorcist, but asian. and even creepier.
that ll be the BOMB.
went shopping yesterday, and took these photos in the Myer change room
the quality isnt that flash, but considering how easy it is to take the photos and then upload it instantly from my Blackberry, i m addicted! i cant stop!
i wore my Armani Collection bleached jeans, a black tank, a Versace silver zip jacket, Gortz pointy leather shoes, a wool scarf from Singapore and a Chanel bag.

told myself i wouldnt shop too much and go nuts
and i think i sorta did relatively well?
broke till the end of the month, but that was always going to happen with the winter break.
yesterday's shopping was a good balance between Jason's urging and Randall's calming influence.
blog more about purchases later, but i m glad we all like Ten Ren so i can always drag them back for the hot milk tea
Saw really awesome Louboutins at Scanlan and Theodore
but then remembered holding out for these

i think these Nikes are genius. but not sure if i ll ever wear them, cause they wont go with anything in my wardrobe. i wonder though, are they practical enough for sport?
Dont think i ll buy shoes for another month at least, i need to create storage first.
where's the good help when i need it?
haha. Clare chan! still have your dog bowl lah.
this morning.

omg been UPSET the entire DAY.
such a mindless, cowardly, pointless chicken shit thing to do.
like, why?
if you want to target me, at least have the guts to put your name to it.
i hope one day you get your car keyed too, and then your wife leaves you, your home collapses and you go BANKRUPT.
going to go to the police tomorrow
not sure if they can do anything
and apparently my insurance company doesnt cover this sort of damage
but at least i ll have done something.
&%#875%*%*& D*&!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahas YUM
have you tried the EEL???
its really good :)
and its cheaper than dondons!! well for me at least ;)
hahas ,
boo about the car though :S
bad luck?
maybe you should set up some cameras...? catch the kunt!
i heard scandalous things about you from clare!!!!!!!!
lee: what scandalous things?! i deny everything. especially since i cant remember what i told her.
btw, re. dou yu, i love blue more. so much hotter than when he was in meteor garden!
tick: haha i know what i m going to order the next time then. unagi it is!
stupid vandalism. i m STILL angry. woke up this morning feeling so unrested. what a complete FUCKER.
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