the trip was AWESOME
i cant seem to come back down to earth after such an amazing holiday
you know the line from Toxic
'too high, cant come down'
yeah thats it EXACTLY.
no wonder everyone loves travelling
cause all you do is eat, shop and party
no studying, no worries
i cant wait to retire with a nest egg just for vacationing
there is a crazy amount of photos
about 1000+
and its going to be a challenge uploading it on facebook
much less showing then here on my blog
but i ll try!
there are heaps more, but i told myself i would only upload 10, and i ve already wayy gone over
Tsurumi and Tokyo Medical Dental universites gave us the most hospitable reception
we had lunch at Okura Hotel, dinner at Grand Intercontinental Yokohama
etc etc
i overdosed on jap food
tummy's a little rounder, but worth it
went a little crazy with the shopping
for some reason i always thought Banana Republic was a cheap brand
like, Forever 21
so got a bit of a rude shock when i saw the bill
but Mikimoto was less pricey than i thought
so i suppose it works out?
have heaps of little anime Bleach and Naruto stuff now
thank god i wasnt slugged with airline extra baggage charges
but i m going to be Little Miss Budget for the next few months
i cant help it, i feel bubbly inside when i remember the trip
before i left for Japan, i had a little dinner party at my place
broke out the crystal sets and put on some oven mitts
housewifey much? hhehe
dont know how moms do it, its hard! super fun though, and at least the damn profiteroles rose in the oven, lol
was too busy eating to take more photos
dessert: profiteroles with berry custard cream filling, dark chocolate and nougat
it was fun, gotta do it again soon
maybe when clare/lee comes?
gotta run!
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