to which I triumphantly credited to my constant eating out at restaurants.
She then proceeded to shoot me a death glare,
and said ' no no, silly girl, its obviously my genes!'
Haha. Well, be that as it may,
I find the art of cooking especially enjoyable nowadays,
though my repertoire is limited.
Here is one of my own creation, truffle soba!
Bought some summer truffles
and decided to try my hand at making a truffle dish,
The truffle salsa that resulted was very much inspired by Tetsuya's.
dont they look enticing? i find the smell of truffles so delicious I cant resist nibbling while preparing the dish
Made a truffle salsa, there it is sitting atop the soba noodles. I combined

Added ice to my soba noodles to make them really cold! Dont have one of those nifty Japanese plates where the ice sits under the noodles, so had to make do. Also had little mini French toasts in the background to spread the salsa on, some oilve oil, a grater and of course, the truffles.
2 truffles, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon bread crumbs
with the ingredients below, which I sauteed beforehand.
Brown 1 large garlic clove, minced, and
1 small piece of onion, minced, with a small pat of butter.
Add 2 oilves, finely chopped, and 3 large porcini mushrooms- diced
Cook till soft, and add a dash of balsamic vinegar and some salt
Store it in a little glass jar for at least the night!
The soba noodles were store-bought, I was too impatient to make my own.
I blanched them in salty boiling water and kept it in the fridge till I was ready to plate up.
You dont have to do this, but I usually toss through some olive oil so the soba doesnt stick together, and I find it really helps!
Added ice to my soba noodles to make them really cold! Dont have one of those nifty Japanese plates where the ice sits under the noodles, so had to make do. Also had little mini French toasts in the background to spread the salsa on, some oilve oil, a grater and of course, the truffles.
Grated the truffles over the noodles to give it an extra kick .
Bon appetit
And though I do say it myself, it was divine!
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