I could keep afloat, but to swim distances with any stroke other than the frog was beyond me.
when we were kids, Lee would regale me with tales of her olympian style butterfly strokes
while i would mentally picture myself doing the doggy paddle while gasping for breath.
Skipped the mandatory swimming lessons in secondary school
as they were clearly for losers haha
though many times since then i ve wished i tried a little harder.
what this brings me to of course,
is that miracles of miracles, i passed the surprise swim test on my Navy undergrad officer's course!
we were woken up with a fire drill at some ungodly hour, bundled us into a bus, and off we went.
dont have many photos, as it was neither the time nor place
but i do have one of the group.
because Creswell is a national park, and there were plenty of shrubbery (and kangaroos!) and therefore lots of pollen everywhere
had a bit of asthma and was hospitalised.
must say, this year's hayfever season seems particularly bad!
also attended the 2010 Naval Engineers Grad ball
held at San Remo Ballroom
very pretty ceiling!
and this photo is for tracey, who wanted me to keep it because 'we look so white!' lol
been also trying my hand at picking up the chinese tea ceremony from mum
its smoothing and each movement flows from the next
sure beats popping a teabag in hot water!
dad bought some amazing tea back from China and Taiwan
so been using these.
everything you need for the tea ceremony. kind of hard to explain the procedure in detail, but its the kind of thing that needs constant practice and i only recently started trying in earnest
will blog more when i am back from queensland, made the christmas ham for dinner!
just tried to upload ham photos but blogger seems to be down.
splurged yesterday on the most amazing, fantastic, gorgeous bed sheets
i couldnt resist
1000 thread count of pure luxury
and i cant wait to hop into bed